Mass Extinction & Biodiversity

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1         2              
  5           6          


1. Evolution of a number of animals to fill a variety of ecological niches. (8,9)
4. Describes animals which are "cold blooded". (11)
7. Land mass permanently surrounded by water. (4,6)
8. The complete demise of a species. (10)
9. Variety of different organisms. (12)
11. Very large animals. (9)


2. Describes animals which are "warm-blooded". (11)
3. Type of diversity referring to the number of different ecosystems. (9)
5. Type of diversity resulting from the number and frequency of alleles. (7)
6. An area surrounded by a different ecosystem that cannot be colonised. (7,6)
10. Type of diversity dependent on the richness and abundance of types of organism. (7)